Facts Alone Don't Move People. Stories With Simple Messages Do.
The world is getting noisier. And now, with Covid-19, it's getting scarier. When people are uncertain, they gravitate even more to clear, simple solutions that are easy to follow.
And remember this: The human brain is wired for story. The parables in the Bible, the tales of mythology, even fairy tales that convey ethics and morals. All use the power of story to connect, deliver, instruct.and persusade.
Is your marketing built form this understanding? If not, where do you start?
The answer is in Donald Miller’s book, "Building A StoryBrand." This New York Times bestseller is on the “Must Read” list of thousands of business leaders, from mega-multinationals to local mom-and-pops.
I've traveled to Nashville for intensive study in the StoryBrand technique. The guiding principle of this methodology is "If you confuse, you lose." You only have seconds to get — and hold — your prospects' attention. I will guide you in applying the principles of this framework so you can:
- Clarify your message
- Invite your customer into a story
- Grow your business